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4 Common Causes For Server Freezing Issues

According to a recent study, the first thing a person notices about a website, mobile application and software program is how quickly it loads. If a person has to wait even a few seconds for something to load on a website or app, they are probably going to lose interest and move onto a competitor.

Instead of losing out on a potential sale due to these issues, you need to find out what is causing them and fix them. Often times, a slow loading website, app or piece of software will be caused by server-related issues.

With the help of IT professionals and configuration monitoring programs, you can get to the bottom of your server problems easily. Read below to find out more about what commonly causes servers to freeze or hang up.



Network Issues Can Cause Major Problems

Regardless of if you use a local or regional network provider, you will experience outages on a regular basis. There are a number of websites on the market that can give you info about network outages and just how widespread they are.

If you are consistently having problems with your network provider, you may want to think about making a switch. Even if you have to pay more to get reliable network access, it will definitely be worth it.

Configuration Errors May Cause Your Server to Slow Down

Most webmasters are quite familiar with the use of command lines. Using these lines can help a programmer make changes to a website instantaneously. However, errors in these commands can bring the critical systems that make a server function to a grinding halt.

The only way to quickly fix server configuration errors is by keeping a backup handy at all times. This backup should feature settings that work properly.

If you do make mistakes with these configurations, you can use the backup to restore your program to its previous state. Neglecting to have an adequate backup is a recipe for disaster, which is why you need to consult with IT professionals to establish one.

Your System May Be Overloaded

Another common cause of server hang ups and freezes is system overload. If you have a number of new visitors trying to access your site or app at one time, it can make your servers very slow.

You may also notice a significant slowdown if your site or app is running maintenance tasks. Tracking the performance of your servers is the only surefire way to track down the source of this issue. Once you have pinpointed what is causing this overload, you can respond accordingly.

Hardware Malfunctions

While hardware problems are rare, they can cause major damage when they do occur. If your disk drives or backups fail, it can lead to your servers crashing.

Routinely inspecting and maintaining your hardware is a great way to detect issues before they do any real damage. Inexperienced business owners will probably need to hire professionals to do this work for them. An IT professional will know exactly what to look for and how to fix any issues they discover.

Ignoring issues with server freezes will only lead to more problems in the future. Addressing these issues head-on can help you keep your servers working efficiently. The last thing you want is to make a bad first impression due to a lack of server maintenance.