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Adobe Customization Wizard X is Here. You Are Now Free To Deploy Adobe Reader and Acrobat X

Adobe has finally released the update to Adobe Customization Wizard to bring it up to the latest version of Reader X and Acrobat X. Adobe Reader X (and its annoying name) came out last month. Since then, we’ve been waiting for the Customization Wizard X in order to be able to create the transform file needed in order to deploy Reader X through Group Policy. It’s arrived today and was announced on the Adobe IT Matters blog.

You can download the 4MB Customization Wizard X installer from the Adobe FTP here: ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobat/win/10.x/10.0.0/misc/CustWiz1000_en_US.exe

It is also available through the Adobe Download site.

Additionally from the Adobe FTP location, you can download:

I haven’t received my media yet, but assumedly you’ll be able to find the Adobe Acrobat X .msi file on the CD/DVD.

With the installer downloaded, in the command prompt create an Administrative Install Point by running in the directory the download .msi is located:

msiexec.exe /a AdbeRdr1000_en_US.msi

Run through the server installer and point it to a new folder. Once the AIP is completed, you can use the Customization Wizard X to open the package and create your transform with all of your customizations.

If you receive an error about not being able to find the setup.ini, create a new text file in the same folder and name it setup.ini. Upon saving the transform, the Customization Wizard will fill it out.

You can find other tips like that in the updated Acrobat Enterprise Administration document (.pdf).

Copy your AIP, transform, and font packs to your deployment server and create a Group Policy deployment like normal and everything should go fine. I’m off to test mine now.

Best of luck!