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Week of Google Code Summary, TortoiseSVN, and SCons… Oh my!

I hope the past week highlighting different Google Code projects has been worthwhile for all involved. Google Code is a great resource for developers and others working with Open Source projects. It’s also a great directory listing for individuals to find the programs they need or a project to join if they are so inclined and talented.

If you want to check out the source code for any of the applications I’ve covered or any others you stumble upon, you’ll just need a Subversion client on your machine. One such client for Windows is TortoiseSVN.

Install TortoiseSVN (and restart if prompted). Create a folder where you want to store the source of the project. Right-click on that folder and go to the new TortoiseSVN context menu entries to ‘Check out from Repository…’. In the window that pops up, just enter the URL that is listed on the Google Code page under the Source tab like:


All the objects in the repository in that path should download to that folder. You can then view or edit the code using your favorite text editor or an IDE depending on what language the project uses.

If you want to compile the code, you can again use an IDE (like Visual Studio) or other compilers. I’ve heard good things about SCons which uses Python to compile code.

Some other Google Code projects worth highlighting:

KnowIT – Automated Information Gathering and Tracking for IT Professionals: http://code.google.com/p/knowitaig/

grepWin – Regular expression search for Windows: http://sourceforge.net/projects/grepwin/

MonitorES – Power off monitor after locking, which I’ve previously reviewed: http://code.google.com/p/monitores/

Of course, there are tons more apps at Google Code. You can browse through them and search by category: http://code.google.com/hosting/

If you know of any other or are involved with any open-source projects hosted on Google Code that are worth highlighting, please share them in the comments.