404 Tech Support

Block a country from your server, period.

If you’re running a server and would like to prevent a particular country, that’s right a country, from accessing the server, visit this site for help configuring your .htaccess file.

You might find that you’re getting a lot of spam or malicious traffic from a spam-heavy country and find it easier to block the entire nation than fighting to keep up with the never-ending battle. You might also be concerned about export limitations to particular nations and block the country to keep their traffic out (unless they use a proxy). Simply go to BlockACountry.com and select the countries you want to block (hold down shift to select a group of countries or hold down Ctrl to individual pick out the countries). Hit the ‘Go’ button and your .htaccess file will be generated.

Block the United States from getting to your page.

The resulting page will give you a text box that you can copy+paste into your current .htaccess file or a link to download a htaccess.txt file. If you choose the latter option, just rename that file on your server to .htaccess

Copy this to get your .htaccess file blocking the countries you chose.
