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AppDeploy.com – A Community for Software Deployment

AppDeploy.com is a website that could really serve as a community for System Administrators. Specializing in application deployment (using .MSI, Group Policy, and any of a host of tools), AppDeploy.com offers two knowledge bases: Software KB and Package KB. Software KB contains command line options for a lot of software out there as well as reviews and other tips and tricks. Package KB is all about deploying software over a network; providing information on how to capture an MSI or other software used to deploy installations, many times with custom transforms (customizing settings and preferences for your program away from just the defaults).

If you’re a Systems Administrator and software deployment is one of your responsibilities, this site (and community) might become a valuable resource to you, saving time and providing great suggestions to smooth out operations. Of course, I recommend contributing any information and ideas you might have to the site so that many more might benefit from your insights and experience.

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