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6 Best Ways to Protect Your Business Account

If you own a business, then you know it’s almost impossible to operate without technology. While this is good news as you can get more work done, there’s also a risk of being vulnerable to cyber-crimes. 



Many companies are encouraging their employees to work remotely, which can expose their businesses to various levels of attacks. Even though working away from the physical office is a futuristic approach to getting more work done, it creates gaps in its overall security. 

The following are tips that can help you protect your business account.

1. Using Passwords 

Having a strong password is the first step to protecting the apps you use for your business. Employees will need to know how to find the Wifi password on their laptops and phones. A two-factor authentication password isn’t complicated to create, and it can keep your data safe from unprecedented breaches from cybercriminals. 

A two-factor authentication password requires two methods of verification when logging in, which makes it almost unbreachable. But remember to follow the passwords protocols to ensure more safety. These include:

2. Grant Different Levels of Permission to Employees

Your systems are the most critical point of your business. Only trusted employees should have clearances for sensitive information. You can set up your security to give access to high-level employees only. 

Limiting the people with access to sensitive information makes you aware of the source of the breach in case there is any. 

3. Monitor Permissions

An organization has much personnel, and some can be contracted to perform freelance work. It means that they will need some temporary access to your systems. Follow up with new users, and once the contract is complete, ensure that you revoke their access to company data. 

4. Update Company Software

The best way to keep your systems secure is to update all the company software as soon as new updates become available. While these notifications can be bothersome and sometimes even distracting, you can opt to ‘remind me later.’ All it takes is a moment of vulnerability to get hacked. 

Updates offer security against new cyber threats and viruses. It’s always a good idea to fix all security loopholes immediately so that your OS and other software can stay protected. 

You never know who in the company knows about the security lapse and can trade inside information to outsiders. Nowadays, most software and technology have automatic updates and patches to ensure no momentary vulnerability. 

5. Secure Your Online Activities

The online environment is vast and equally vulnerable to security breaches. You need to protect your online activities like you do the physical location. Never use unprotected internet connections as hackers can gain access to your sensitive data. 

Many software companies deal with internet security. Remember to encrypt all data and use complex passwords that you change periodically.  

6. Use Cloud Storage

Technological advancements now include cloud storage for your sensitive business data. It helps to secure company information if there’s a breach on the physical location and someone gains access to company computers. 

Storing data in the cloud has unlimited storage, and you can encrypt the data. This way you can have no more worries when senior company officials lose their laptops. 

Always have someone or software to monitor your systems so that you can be aware of any suspicious activities. Whenever there’s any unexplained activity on the business network, react immediately to flush it from the source.