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Advantages Of Video Conferencing For Small Businesses

We are currently in the ‘age of startups’. The current global market conditions, coupled with an increasingly digital business environment, has leveled the field for businesses of different sizes in many industries.

Small businesses today have access to a variety of tools that enable them to position themselves as the right solution in front of the right audience.

Software tools enable businesses to manage the customer acquisition experience with ease, provide world class customer support, and manage their own internal affairs with efficiency.

One such tool is a video conferencing tool. However, since most video conferencing tools are initially free to use, many businesses don’t think twice before picking one.



The reality, however, is that not all web conferencing software are made alike. Different tools are designed keeping different use case scenarios in mind. However, most businesses don’t consider this as they only think of video conferencing tools as mere communication channels.

While there is no denying that video conferencing tools are in fact communication tools, their applications go beyond simply conducting team meetings.

Here are a few other advantages that your business can enjoy with the right implementation of the right web conferencing software:

Generate Qualified Leads With Ease

One of the most popular applications of web conferencing software is marketing webinars. Having recently come to light as a superb marketing strategy, webinar marketing has gained serious popularity among B2B businesses with long and complex sales cycles and those selling membership-based products and services.

Studies say, out of the total audience of a marketing webinar, 20% to 40% have the potential to convert into qualified leads. 

With the right video conferencing tool, you can create engaging webinar experiences that allow you to generate interest in your product or service and generate qualified leads of prospects that you can genuinely help.

Delivering impactful employee training is a known challenge, regardless of the size of business. While elearning technology did make training more accessible for smaller businesses, there was still a cost deterrent associated with providing instructor-led training.

With a training focused video conferencing software, this deterrent can be effectively overcome. With a video conferencing software, all you need to do is find an instructor and ask them to appear in front of the camera. You don’t have to pay for the overhead costs like transportation and lodging. 

Moreover, since social distancing is an absolute necessity right now, even bigger businesses with seemingly endless training budgets have no option but to conduct their instructor led employee training sessions in a virtual environment, probably using the same video conferencing software that you may pick.

Conduct Meaningful Sales Interactions

The need for social distancing has transformed many aspects of conducting business. One such aspect is sales interactions. INteractions that were previously happening inside client offices or even coffee shops have moved online.

The role of video conferencing technology in making these interactions impactful and in turn, successful, cannot be overstated. 

Even when things get better and social distancing isn’t a necessity, video conferencing sales interactions can help businesses save serious money on the travel and other overhead costs of sending their sales reps into the field.


A video conferencing software may not seem like it’s as important as your customer relationship management software. However, when you start getting creative with implementation, the positive impact of a video conferencing software can be comparable to that of a customer relation management software.

For which purposes do you use your video conferencing software? Keep the conversation going in the comment section below.