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Latest Windows 10 Insider build brings Docker containers and LastPass

Microsoft has released Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14361, bring us even closer to the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. There two big What’s New features with this release: a LastPass extension for Microsoft Edge and Hyper-V containers.

LastPass is a popular password management service and the extension simplifies logging into websites. Extensions previously existed for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE and Opera. Today’s announcement brings LastPass to the Microsoft Edge extensions page.

Hyper-V containers allow Docker to natively run on Windows 10. This leverages Hyper-V and Server 2016 Technical Preview 5 Nano server  OS image. Containerization is a trend that has been growing in popularity by improving maintainability and security of systems and components. Documentation on MSDN provides preliminary information and steps to get started with Windows 10 containers.

Other changes in this Insider build include multiple improvements to Windows Ink, UI improvements to the Settings window, a new icon for a Blu-ray player, and many more fixes and improvements which you can read in the announcement post of the Windows Experience blog.