404 Tech Support

Car troubles? There’s an app for that!

This post brought to you by Urgent.ly. The content and opinions expressed below are that of 404 Tech Support.

Have you ever wanted the convenience and peace of mind of a car service but did not want to pay the annual subscription for a service you may not even need? That’s where Urgent.ly comes in. It’s an on-demand roadside assistance service and you only pay when you use it. It’s a flat-rate for the services such as:

Urgent.ly is available across the United States. You can see which cities they operate in from the Where it works page on their website. There’s no membership card needed and you can get help from the iOS or Android apps. In addition to the on-demand business model, Urgent.ly is similar to Uber through its app functionality. You can see service nearby providers on a map and you can watch your assistance arrive in real-time from your phone.

There is another neat feature called FamilyView, which allows you to assist and pay for any roadside assistance matters that come up for family members. The app even has an accident-detection feature that will prompt to call for roadside assistance.

While the small city that I live in is not listed on the site, some of the bigger cities that I travel to are listed on some of the services pages. This is definitely a service that I will be checking out for myself and my wife to reduce the stress of travel. The ability to order flat-rate emergency roadside assistance 24/7 will certainly provide a little peace of mind.