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April Fools Day 2016 around the web

April Fools Day is upon us once again. What weird ideas are out on the web this year?

Previous compilations:

Google always puts a lot of effort into their April Fools gags, so we’ll start there.

What could be more realistic than real life? Google Cardboard is updated with a new plastic, clear design.

The Gmail Mic Drop feature allows you to reply with a conversation-ending gif of dropping the mic. There were problems with implementation, so this gag was undone.

Google Japan created a better input device with the Flick or Furikku. It goes beyond believable when it can make any grid into an input device.

Google Australia provides a realistic utility for finding missing socks.

Google Photo Search allows you to search by emoji.

Google introduced a chrome-plated Chromebook.

The Google Cloud Platform has used Machine Learning to teach the cloud about fashion to help people everywhere dress using the power of data in Style Detection.

YouTube offers 360-degree videos with SnoopaVision.

On to the rest of the web…

NVIDIA is introducing an energy drink for gamers with GeForce GTX Energy.

The Netflix Tech Blog talks about John Stamos-optimizing their cloud scaling.

H&M introduces the Mark Zuckerberg style of 7 gray t-shirts and a pair of jeans.

Logitech introduces the BeautyCam feature of their webcams to make you look your best.

NGINX configuration now supports emojis.

QuestionableContent, a popular webcomic, posted a notice that it has been sold to Conde Nast.

A ton of webcomics all posted the same plot with their own little spins. The webcomics include:

Pringles posted to Twitter a single-serving size can.

Imgur created ‘Imgur for Pets‘ with an animal-themed images collection.

ThinkGeek has a variety of gag items like a Diet Coke & Mentos rocket and others.

Serious Eats made the cake from Portal.