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Dallas Cowboys vs Surface Pro and printers in tonight’s Monday Night Football match-up

Microsoft Surface Pros may have thought they only had to fear Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers but apparently the tablets did not want to cooperate with the Dallas Cowboys tonight either. The Cowboys were complaining to the NFL that the Surface Pros were not working, preventing the players from reviewing plays. Compounding the problem, the printers were also not working, preventing the team from going back to the old paper-based method.

ESPN covered the technological drama unfolding on the sidelines in between plays. They showed a tablet cart full of the Surfaces and empty binders opened. Those visuals were captured in this Vine.

Despite their technological troubles, the Dallas Cowboys managed to win over the Washington Redskins in this Monday Night Football rivalry match-up. I wonder if Microsoft marketing is questioning this sponsorship role. If it were a Seahawks home game, you could probably find a number of engineers very familiar with the devices.