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Happy SysAdmin Appreciation Day 2015!

Today is the 16th annual System Administrator Appreciation Day. The last Friday in July is a reminder to thank your SysAdmin for keeping your operation running.

I like to extend SysAdmin Day to all IT Pros because it usually requires a team effort. From the help desk to DBAs to developers, communication, problem-solving, and constant learning of new technology is involved.

SysAdmin Day should be about the thanks, not the gifts. Some people like to push for gifts to SysAdmins but I think that is unnecessary. People are just doing their jobs. Some go above and beyond while others are cranky like the SNL character, which is the same as any role in the organization, yet you don’t see gift suggestions for bosses’ day or scretary day. I think appreciation is enough and the fun part of being a SysAdmin is getting to work on interesting projects with new technologies to learn. For many, the current projects will involve learning Windows 10, Office 2016, Windows Server 2016 right around the corner, and many other projects.

Happ SysAdmin Day 2015!