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HackerOne, a platform for bug bounty programs

HackerOne is a platform for companies to use for their “bug bounty” programs. It provides the means to receive, manage, and reward bug reports. By adding consistency and organization to the bug report process, HackerOne makes it a better experience for both the security researchers and the company.

As a startup, HackerOne has some surprisingly large customers including Adobe, Twitter, Yahoo, Snapchat, Ubiquiti Networks, Vimeo, Automattic, Square, and many others. All of those customers list the number of bugs closed and bounties rewarded through the program.

You can also visit the “Hacktivity” page and see as companies reward reported bugs.

HackerOne is for organizations, developers, and security researchers. It provides the means of clear communication and established expectations. Even if you fall outside of that group, the information can still be informative to learn what is going on in the industry.