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Microsoft tries to predict technology and security in 2025

In the year 2025, Microsoft foresees one of three scenarios describing the experiences of countries when it comes to the role of technology. There are growth, stalling, and declining states. Microsoft believes technology and security policies of a country or region will decide which one of these scenarios a country will fall into.

Based on the Cyber 2025 Model, we identified three future scenarios that countries/regions may experience which we’ve named Plateau, Peak and Canyon. Within each of these scenarios, Microsoft also examined their unique cybersecurity challenges likely to emerge as a result. Put simply, the three future scenarios can be described as follows:

PEAK – the Peak scenario represents a world of innovation, where information and communications technology (ICT) fulfills its potential to strengthen governance models, economies and societies
PLATEAU – the Plateau scenario is a “status quo” world, in which political, economic and societal forces can both bolster and hinder technological progress
CANYON – the Canyon scenario is a metaphor for an isolated world, characterized by unclear, ineffective government policies and standards, rooted in protectionist stances

This report is intended to spark dialogue, debate and more understanding about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and ways to benefit from them.

See the Microsoft on the Issues blog post or visit Microsoft’s Cyberspace 2025 site and download the report.