404 Tech Support

Excluding Skimlinks from certain pages or sections of a page

Skimlinks is an automatic affiliate program that converts links on your site to affiliate links. It gives a website owner another source of revenue while providing the same useful links to visitors. I utilize Skimlinks on 404 Tech Support and Assume Awesome. It has worked out great and provides an independent source of revenue to help weather the fluctuations of AdSense ads.

The only issue I encountered with Skimlinks was on 404TS articles that provided code segments. The Skimlinks code would be inserted into the code, resulting in breaking the scripts that were provided. Fortunately, Skimlinks’ support was able to provide me with a quick solution. It is possible to selectively turn off SkimLinks, SkimWords, or the flyovers by page even while leaving them on by default for other pages.

You can do this by adding a Javascript tag to the page where you want to disable it. A variable within <script> tags determines what is disabled on the page.

To disable Skimwords and flyovers:

[javascript]<script>var noskimwords = ‘true’;</script>[/javascript]

To disable Skimlinks:

[javascript]<script>var noskimlinks = ‘true’;</script>[/javascript]

To disable flyovers:

[javascript]<script>var noskimproducts = ‘true’;</script>[/javascript]

To disable all Skimlinks functionality on a page:

[javascript]<script>var noskim = ‘true’;</script>[/javascript]

Including one of those tags on a page will disable the functionality on the entire page. It is possible to do the same for selective parts of a page, to do this you utilize html classes.

[html]<div id="example">[/html]


[html]<div id="example" class="noskimwords">[/html]

If you have already assigned an element to be a member of a different class, this method can still be used. You can assign an element to multiple classes by using a space as a separator within the class= attribute. Assign the HTML element to the class of the same name as the variable for the functionality you want to disable. You could assign a paragraph or a div tag to the ‘noskim’ class to disable all Skimlinks functionality within that function.

The Skimlinks plugin for WordPress makes it very easy to incorporate Skimlinks into a site. I like to use the Artiss Code Embed plugin for embedding videos and other objects. It also works well for including the needed tag to disable Skimlinks for a particular post.