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PBS Off Book dives into the topic of cyber-bullying

It’s hard to believe, but it has been a year and a half since my big article on cyber-bullying. Clearly the problem still exists or may be even worse. Teens taking their own lives as a result of harassment in all forms, including online activity, is a problem that cannot be allowed to continue.

With a clear explanation into various topics surrounding cyber-bullying, PBS Off Book defines the subject, problems surrounding it, and what the future holds. They refer to the topic of Online Disinhibition Effect which better defines how “anonymity” on the Internet affects people’s behavior.

The video is embedded after the jump.

The internet is a powerful tool for communication, but it can sometimes be a double-edged sword. As most of us have seen or experienced, the internet can bring out the worst behavior in people, highlighting some of the cruelest and most hurtful aspects of humanity. Issues such as bullying online and trolling have garnered a lot of attention recently, prompting questions about who does, and should, regulate the internet, and what free speech means online.