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Google Chrome Help Page explains the confusing “two worlds” of Windows 8 apps vs Desktop apps

I installed Windows 8 Professional yesterday and worked on loading drivers and my typical applications. When I loaded Google Chrome and ran it for the first time, it recommends reading through a help page that explains how Chrome as a Windows 8 app works, and how it doesn’t.

I had understood some of these problems before with my test of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Internet Explorer 10 as a Windows 8 app and as a desktop application were two separate entities and didn’t tie together as one might expect them to (shared bookmarks, history, cookies). As the Chrome help page explains, some common tasks are not quite obvious and there are still a handful of known issues.

Not necessarily obvious tasks:

Known issues:

You can read the details and keep up to date on the known issues’ status from the Launch Chrome as a Windows 8 app help page.