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Free eBook from Microsoft “Introducing Windows Server 2012”

You can get a free PDF copy of the Microsoft Press book Introducing Windows Server 2012 straight from Microsoft. There are 223 pages of insight to the new features in the next generation of Windows Server ready and waiting for the IT Pro.

To download your copy of the eBook, all you have to do is visit the IT Pros Rock Technet blog. In exchange for a tweet on Twitter or a mention on Facebook, you can get the book fully free for download.

This week, the Microsoft Windows Server product team has released a new FREE e-Book for IT professionals: Introducing Windows Server 2012. This new e-Book covers the following topics that are key to building a Private Cloud foundation at your shop with the latest release of Windows Server:

  • Building a foundation for Private Cloud
  • Designing a highly available, easy-to-manage multi-server platform
  • Deploying web applications on-premise and in the cloud
  • Enabling modern anywhere, any-device workstyles

Another freebie offered by Microsoft is access to a Windows Azure Virtual Machines so you can build your Windows Server 2012 lab in the cloud. You can check it out as well, just in exchange for another tweet/Facebook mention.