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Rapid Environment Editor provides a GUI to system and user variables

Accessing system variables through the command line can be tedious and frustrating. I will occasionally use them when writing scripts and having easy access to variable names and their values would greatly simplify that task. To the rescue comes RapidEE or Rapid Environment Editor.

The program is available as a free download  at www.RapidEE.com. You can choose between an installer or a portable version for convenience. I went with the portable version and just extracted the program to my desktop. If you launch the program, you will have read-only access to system variables. Launch the program by right-clicking on it and selecting Run as Administrator… to have full access.

The graphical interface makes it a cinch to work with on the fly and the values can be expanded – greatly simplifying the previous process of untangling long strings.

You can create .reg backup files of variables before you make changes and add new variables. The language and skin used are customizable and RapidEE even has a command line interface.

Download Rapid Environment Editor to simplify your access to system and user variables.

Hat tip to Rarst for first sharing about this program.