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XKCD’s Holistic Browser is a new way of stumbling the web

Have you ever been bored and felt like you reached the end of the Internet with nothing else to find? Social web services like StumbleUpon help you find new items on the web that others would recommend.

XKCD, the maker of fine stick figure comics, has a new side project available for testing called The XKCD Holistic Browser. Basically, you type in a web address and hit ‘Go’. Instead of going to the page you entered, you are directed to the site another person entered. Somebody after you will be directed to the site you entered, and so on.

The results are simple – just an iframe showing your received site below The Holistic Browser bar that would allow you to move to the next site in exchange for another URL.

XKCD has a knack for producing these quirky projects and then gathering the data in an interesting way. Not only can The Holistic Browser entertain you if you are bored but it also might result in an interesting report down the road.