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Run on a High-Tech Treadmill

With Winter knocking at the door, it gets cold and a lot of the natural exercise like going for walks/runs becomes uncomfortable or impossible. Many people will be heading indoors to the gym or their own exercise equipment. If you want to incorporate some tech into your workout, check out the iFit Live technology in NordicTrack treadmills, ellipticals, and exercise bikes.

iFit Live is powered by Google Maps and allows you to plot a course on Google Maps and then carry it over to your workout. The equipment will then automatically adjust the incline and speed of your workout to simulate going through the area. The built-in display will tell you where you are at on your trail with map view or satellite view. Some models will even use Google Streetview to show you on-the-ground pictures of where your run is taking place.

One treadmill that uses the iFit Live tech is the Elite 9500 Pro.

With iFit Live in your workout, it might keep you interested and motivated longer so you go the extra mile. You can see the world from your treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike. For more details, check out http://ifit.nordictrack.com/