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Zombies Show Up On Retail Websites Just In Time For Halloween

Westlake Ace Hardware

The Westlake Ace Hardware site for Lenexa, Kansas has provided a zombie-themed website for both humans and zombies. Humans in the post-zombie world are concerned about carpet stain removal, rewiring electricity, window and screen repair, patching walls, removing smells, and regrowing plants. Zombies can head to this hardware store to keep their bodies in one piece whether it takes caulk, duct tape, sealent, or bolts and fasteners.

Their website culminates in two guides: A Zombie’s Guide to Delaying Your Decay and A Human’s Guide to Zombie Preparedness.


Sears returns with their own zombie-themed website from last year. You can also choose whether you’re a human or a zombie to see their offerings. (The site doesn’t seem to work for me in Firefox 7 but it’s working fine in Chrome.)

Zombies can find their undead style, resurrect family time, prepare for zombie holidays, and browse 28 gadgets later.

Humans can keep the infected at bay with a shiny new chainsaw, be prepared to run for your life with athletic shoes, order items for delivery, and find great deals during the zombie apocalypse.

Center for Disease Control

Joining the retail sites, the Center for Disease Control has their own Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness site.

There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency.

While mostly a joke, preparing for the inevitable zombie apocalypse will also make you much more prepared for a real emergency. With an emergency plan and supplies, you’ll do much better following the CDC’s Zombie Apocalypse tips to have water, food, medications, tools and supplies, sanitation and hygiene, clothing and bedding, important documents, and first aid supplies at the ready.

Props to the Center for Disease Control for being a government agency with a sense of humor.