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Gamers Opt Out – A Full-Service Opt Out System For Class-Action Prevention Clauses in EULAs

Following the recent change by Sony to remove your rights to participate in a class action lawsuit in their Terms of Services, a number of other game companies have followed suit. We shared a little form that would fill out a form letter for your convenience to send off to Sony in order to retain your rights. Now, taking things one step further, a website has formed around this trend in EULAs called Gamers Opt Out.

The site simplifies the process of retaining your class action rights significantly. They help you create the letter and are even willing to send it off for you. In exchange, perhaps you could tell your friends or donate some money to help cover the cost of printing supplies and postage.

Right now, you can opt out of Sony’s PSN clause or the EA/Origin clause by filling out the form. Yes, you are giving your name, street address, and e-mail address to the people that provide the service as well as the companies with these clauses. Review their privacy policy and decide if the service works for you.

3,820 letters were sent on Friday with another 1,047 queued up. Check out the service at http://www.gamersoptout.com/ This is another service brought about following discussion on Reddit.