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Native HTTPS Comes To Wikipedia

Wikimedia announced today that all Wikimedia Foundations wikis are now enabled to use native HTTPS. This means that while visiting the popular Wikipedia, others won’t be able to eavesdrop on what you’re reading or editing. This is of great importance for oppressed countries where Wikipedia might be blocked or controversial topics are off limits.

Wikimedia previously provided a secure means of browsing through their sites with https://secure.wikimedia.org but it had a number of drawbacks. Now, you’ll be able to browse to Wikipedia securely just by appending https at the beginning of the URL.

Wikimedia is being proactive in working with HTTPS Everywhere to get Wikipedia redirecting correctly to protect users. They get into a few technical details at the end of the blog post and have a page with documentation publicly available. That page ironically gives an untrusted message before getting to its https version but they warn that it will be a long process to catch any bugs or remaining pages given the long tail of the project and the spread of WikiMedia projects.