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HP TouchPad Round-Up

So HP taught all hardware manufacturers over the past month that consumers will go crazy for any sort of tablet at a low enough price point. While most vendors have cleared out of their stock, HP has said they will do another limited production run to satisfy consumer demand though they might not be able to guarantee the same bargain basement prices that caused the fury to erupt previously.

So WebOS has been ported to an iPad 2 where it reportedly runs beautifully and has none of the common complaints the HP TouchPad has received. A WebOS engineer did this to prove the problem was with the TouchPad’s hardware, not with WebOS.

With the $99 TouchPad, a deluge of developers and hardware hackers have picked up the tablets and started having fun. Team-touchdroid has a video of dual-booting WebOS and Android on a TouchPad.

Samsung has also said it will “never” buy WebOS and turn from its Android developments.