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101 Gadgets That Changed The World Airs on the History Channel Tonight

In a two-hour special tonight, the History Channel is airing a show called 101 Gadgets That Changed The World. Taking out some time for commercials, this means more than a gadget a minute!

From duct tape to the Swiss Army Knife, gadgets have transformed the way we live and have even changed history. These ingenious–and often pocket-sized–inventions have become every day essentials that we just can’t live without.

In partnership with History, the editors of Popular Mechanics magazine have assembled a panel of the world’s most renowned tech gurus to create a definitive list of 101 Gadgets that Have Changed the World. Explore the historically game-changing stories behind the gadgets we now take for granted–the combination lock, the zippo lighter, the gun silencer, the bra, and more–as we countdown to the single most influential gadget ever invented.

Check out the show tonight on the History Channel at 8PM Central time.