404 Tech Support

World IPv6 Day Starts… Now!

For the next 24 hours, it is World IPv6 Day. IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol, which allows computers to communicate on a network or the Internet, the largest network. World IPv6 Day is an event where some of the largest organizations on the Internet are participating in an 24-hour test flight to turn IPv6 on their main servers. The reasoning behind this is because IPv4 addresses are depleted and the event will hopefully test and accelerate the transition to IPv6.

You can test your connection for IPv6 connectivity at http://test-ipv6.com/.

Google did a good job discussing some of the updates for IPv6 in recent months in an Official Google Blog post yesterday. You can test your connection with them at ipv6test.google.com. They also provide an overview of IPv6 with an IPv6 support page.

Microsoft includes a test right in their TechNet blog to test your IPv6 readiness.

Here’s a 404 Tech Support article from the beginning of the year the covered a lot of the basics of IPv6. Otherwise, you can learn more about IPv6 from the officialWorldIPv6Day website put on by the Internet Society. You can also follow updates about World IPv6 Day on Twitter with the account @World_IPv6_Day or the hash tag #WorldIPv6Day.