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What Does MS Paint Sound Like?

From YouTube, user r2blend has discovered that importing an executable into an audio editing program can have some interesting results. To be specific, they imported the MSPaint executable from Windows 7 x64 into Adobe Audition as 22050hz 8-bit stereo audio raw PCM data. The description of the YouTube video:

Just made a really weird and awesome discovery.

If you import an EXE file into an audio program as audio data, you hear all kinds of cool stuff. The most awesome by far for me was MS Paint.

It’s probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard form something like this. All I did to the audio was master it slightly to make it sound less harsh to the ears, as well as remove a long section of noise.

On YouTube

On SoundCloud

According to r2blend, you should be able to recreate this in Audacity or any other audio program that can import raw PCM data.

Discover any other interesting sounding executables?