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Google Sloppy – What If Google Search Was A Lazy Human?

What if Google Search was a lazy, incompetent human? The Sloppy Google project tries to show how good we’ve got it.

What if a textfield is a lazy operator who types keywords for you?
What if buttons are operators who help you submit requests?
What if user interfaces have their own consciousness, senses, and gestures?

“The Search Operators” is the sloppy twin of Google search. By reversing the passive roles of UI elements, we want to expand the traditional notion of user interfaces. We hope this sloppy twin helps you switch mind set from everyday web routines and open up new perspectives.

This project is a mash-up of Html5 Canvas, processing.js, jQuery, Google Search API and imagination by yuin (yuinchien.com) and chawei (chaweihsu.com).

Try it for yourself at search.detourlab.com.