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Federal Communications Commission Approves Net Neutrality Rules 3-2

The FCC approved a set of Net Neutrality rules today that many sum up as a compromise of the related issues debated in the past few years on the topic. The vote which passed by a single vote at 3 to 2 is expectedly controversial; one side says it doesn’t do enough while the other complains that it oversteps the FCC’s regulation capabilities.

I felt NPR did a thorough and balanced job of explaining the rules that were put in place. You can read the synopsis here.

The segment that followed discussed the ruling with C|Net reporter, Marguerite Reardon, from a consumers point of view. You can read her take on the new rules over at cnet.

Regardless of any speculations, the rules will have to stand up to the Legislative and Judicial branches of government despite receiving compliments from President Obama. The last major action the FCC tried to take by punishing Comcast for filtering certain types of traffic on its network was over-turned.