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MapCrunch – Travel the World in a Day

MapCrunch is a website that takes Google Streetview and makes it much easier to go exploring. Your globe-trotting can take you from the newest Antartica, Ireland, or Brazil locations to the ones that have been around for a while. You can teleport to random locations and explore for a bit and then teleport yourself somewhere completely different.

MapCrunch is a one page site. You land on the home page and you’re greeted with a Streetview of a random location on the left and your options on the right. Along with the minimap at the bottom-right, you can choose what countries you want included in the pool of your random transports. You can just click each country you want and it will be highlighted in blue. Once you’ve made your selection (which can be changed at any time), you can hit the Go! button to be transported to the next destination. Interact with Streetview like normal on the left and then jump to the next place if you want.

To make it easy, you can also select countries by continent and that will just automatically add the correct countries to your current selection. You can also check the box labelled ‘auto’ to be automatically transported to random locations every ~4 seconds. After any jumping, you can use the previous and next buttons to browse your visited locations.

Go for a hike and see the world easily with MapCrunch.