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Google Buys BlindType

Back in the middle of August, I posted a video from BlindType at Jason Off The Clock showing the madness that is BlindType. The video shows how BlindType adjusts its keyboard to fit what you typed very accurately. Since that posting, they’ve made another video available that shows BlindType working on an Android phone as well as the iPhone.

On Friday, they gave another update: The company has been acquired by Google.

We are excited to announce that BlindType has been acquired by Google!

We want to thank everyone for their overwhelming support and positive feedback.
We know that typing on your mobile device can be a frustrating experience, which is why
we’ve worked hard to make touch typing easier and faster than ever – the way it should be.

We’re excited to join Google, and look forward to the great opportunities for mobile innovation that lie ahead.

The BlindType team

As an Android owner, I’m excited to see BlindType coming to Android and with Google acquiring them, perhaps it will be integrated into the next Android update. For now though, Swype is working quite well for me.