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Remove the Facebook Like Button From All Sites

I don’t have a Facebook account and it annoys me when I get redirected there just in my daily browsing (polls, article links, and others) and I can’t participate or it requires a few extra clicks to get where I want. Even more annoying than those redirects are having to see the Facebook Like button on tons of different pages. I don’t care how many people like something else unless there is also a dislike option and when I can’t participate because I lack a Facebook account.

This has an extra annoyance when running the NoScript Firefox addon because it breaks some page formatting and can cause website elements to overlap and be unreadable. It also shows the external Javascript sources in its location, worsening the problem.

To filter this out in Firefox with the Ad-Block Plus addon installed, I right-clicked on the next Like button I came across and chose ‘AdBlock Plus: Block Frame…’.

I then chose to add a custom pattern filter and added “http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php” and hit the Add filter button. After adding that filter and refreshing the page, no more Facebook Like buttons on that page I was viewing or any after it.

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