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Netflix Coming To The Great White North (Canada)

On the bottom of the Netflix website login you’ll now find a button to switch to Canada. You can also head over to www.netflix.ca to find the site and updates (although you’ll normally be redirected to the US site if that’s where you hail from). The site proclaims Netflix is “Coming this fall to Canada!”

Along with the website, an e-mail was sent out to Netflix Affiliates (through the Google Affiliate Network) with a questionnaire looking for publishers interested in promoting the Canadian release of Netflix.

So far the only thing mentioned as a service for Canada is the unlimited streaming movies and TV episodes, noticeably missing is the mail-order DVD subscription. Even though I’m land-locked in the middle of the USA, I still think I benefit from Netflix expanding to America Jr.

Bigger service area = more potential customers. More customers = more revenue + more buying power. More buying power + revenue = more instant streaming titles for everyone.

That’s all the information I can find on the expanding service at this point. We’ll have to wait for an official announcement from the Netflix blog or the fall, which ever comes sooner.