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Google Maps Instant, YouTube Instant, and YouTube Time Machine

If you like the idea of Google’s Instant Search where results start popping up as you type, you might also like Google Maps Instant and YouTube Instant. These sites update the results as you type. It can be an easy way to stumble your way to similar videos or get faster results. YouTube Time Machine is a different site that allows you to categorically browse videos from the year they were originally made.

Google Maps Instant

Google Maps Instant is helpful over the standard interface when you just want to view a map of some location. It removes the need to hit enter and wait for results. It starts zooming in as your query gets more specific. Start typing ‘Springfield’ and the map will jump to one of the Springfields on the map. Then type the state name and the map will update as you type to get you to your destination.

Google Maps Instant accomplishes this through the magic of the API. It bears this warning as a result:

Sadly, because of API limitations, you may get an error or two.

I experienced no errors while I was checking it out though and could see value in having this as a checkable option in the normal Google Maps to start searching as I type.

YouTube Instant

YouTube Instant is the same idea as Google Search Instant and Google Maps Instant; it starts pulling up videos as you type. This can lead to an interesting variety of jumps as you start typing the title of the video you’re hoping to arrive at. It does make the search interesting and if you’re searching for a particular video, you can end up there as you get more specific.

You can also use a site called List and Play to similarly build a playlist for YouTube.

YouTube Time Machine

YouTube Time Machine is a good way to kill some time. You can select categories like video games, television, commercials, current events, sports, movies, and music. After that, you use the slider to select the year you’re interested in. A video from that time will pop up and you can watch it or hit the Watch Next Video button to get to the next one. It’s a very interesting site that allows you to browse YouTube’s collections in a different way than normal. Check it out at yttm.tv.