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Google’s Logo For Today’s Homepage Scatters Colorful Balls or Dots

Google often changes the logo above their search to commemorate a specific occasion. Today the logo is a series of colorful dots or balls and they scatter as your mouse gets near them. So far, there has been no indication as to what this Google Doodle is representing.

Usually you can hover over the image to find a clue in the Alt Text but as this one scatters from the mouse and seems to be composed in Javascript, such clues aren’t there. It also bounces back and forth if you move the window around.

Here’s a YouTube video capturing the animation of today’s logo:

If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out on the Google Search page. We’ll just have to wait and see to find out if Google will reveal if there’s a secondary meaning behind the logo or if it’s just intended to be fun and colorful. Perhaps it’s even related to The Grand Design’s release or any other number of things going on today.