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Joe’s Goals

Joe’s Goals is a simple approach to by-the-week accountability to setting and meeting goals. You can simply go to the Joe’s Goals website and check corresponding boxes to indicate if a goal was completed for the day. You can create multiple, simple goals like going for a run or eating vegetables. You can also add negative goals, or things you want to avoid, as well in case you want to keep track of how many times you’ve given into your sweet tooth or other such negatives.

You get a real-time count for each day at the bottom of the column showing how the negatives and positives worked out, as a net gain or loss, to motivate yourself to do better tomorrow. You can add multiple checks to each goal or click on a check if you need to remove it. You can also change the weight (number of points) that each checkmark is worth in the configuration for each goal. You can view this inspiration page for a dynamic list of popular goals in the last week at Joe’s Goals.

To add a new goal, you just click the Add: Goal link in the top-left. You then fill out if the goal is positive or negative, how much each check is worth, any tags or notes, and what days of the week this goal is applicable. You can also add a log book, which allows you to keep notes of each day. You might use the log book to keep track of more specific elements of your goals. For example, you might create a running log book to track how much distance you ran each day or where you ran, in addition to the simple checkbox in the goal. You can have more than one logbook and more than one goal for your account with Joe’s Goals.

One way to provide accountability and keep motivated is to share your progress and goal tracking with somebody you trust. Joe’s Goals allows you to do that easily. Beneath each goal there is a ‘Share’ link. If you click on that, you will be able to give permission to see this goal to somebody else’s Joe’s Goal account. They just need to sign up for Joe’s Goals with that e-mail address and they’ll be able to monitor your progress. You can also share your success more generically with a “blog badge”. A badge would allow you to post a simple graph of your score for each day in the past week.

Start making progress toward your goals and check out Joe’s Goals.