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Instacalc – Shareable, reusable formulaic online calculators

If you find yourself ever having a particularly nerdy conversation discussing formulas or other calculations, you might be able to make use of the Instacalc website. It’s also useful for formulas that you are frequently using but changing the input.

Calculations can involve just about anything. Variables are really easy to use to simplify equations. From converting units (including computer terms like kilobyte, kilobit and monetary conversions), physics equations, and calculating commission percentages, instacalc might surprise you with how frequently it could be used (and re-used).

Let’s say I want to make a calculator based on the formula given in the XKCD comic about the safe dating range: Don’t date anyone under half your age plus seven. It’s a piece of cake and very intuitive for the next person. You can type your calculations and add comments after ‘//’ like the first row above or place them after the calculations. Anything to the right of the // will be treated as a comment and ignored by the math-minded computer.

Not bad. At 23, I can date anybody older than 18 and a half and not seem creepy. But this calculator is only valid until I turn 24 or what if I want to share it with some friends that are having their own concerns with their young pursuits? You can easily share the calculator with them as a link or embed it on a webpage if it supports javascript or iframes. WordPress.com does not… : (

Here’s that calculator I made. Just change 23 in row 2, R2, to your own age. Now go meet that lucky lady and impress her with your nerdspeak and instacalc. Sounds better than spelling 5318008 on an upside-down calculator, doesn’t it?
