404 Tech Support

Gary Strawn’s Location Changer

To install Gary Strawn’s location changer:

1. Copy the Oracle ODBC driver setup (060621CARLIOrclInstall.exe) locally and run through the install as an admin following the instructions located in the Oracle directory.
2. Once the install completes, change the service SID to the current SID instead of VGER under Oracle OraHome92 Net Manager and save.
3. Install and configure Voyager Access Reports under the individual’s login following the Oracle ODBC installation instructions.
4. Install Cataloger’s Toolkit via the setup in the Gary Strawn Location ChangerCatalogerToolkit directory. Choosing the defaults except changing the Start Menu folder from Northwestern University to something more relevant.
5. Install Gary Strawn’s Location Changer via the setup in the Gary Strawn Location Changer\GSLC directory. Choosing the defaults except changing the Start Menu folder from Northwestern University to something more relevant.
6. Copy the VGERLOCS.INI in the Copy this to windir directory to %windir% (C:windows or c:\winnt) and edit it to use the individuals login and passwords once inside the Vger Location Changer program configured as shown by clicking Options from the Menu bar.

Line 6 is the most valuable of this note. I could not find the location where this application stores its settings. When it is to be installed on many machines at the same time and configured in the exact way, it would be much easier to copy a configuration file or export/import registry settings than to configure each one by hand. Install the application and configure it completely. Then install it on the other machines and copy this file from c:windows to the other machines at that same location.

I also ran into a problem where I configured the program (and in trying to make changes that RegMon would pick up on) I somehow was able to configure it in such a way that it caused the program to lock up when loading. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but it did not fix the problem because the configuration file is not removed by the uninstall. It then became necessary to locate the file. I uninstalled the program, finally found the configuration file and deleted it, reinstalled the application and it worked again.

Here is the login setup: